Camper Christina
KIHD Stick Stove – Test Run – Making Lunch
In February, while attending the Outdoor Adventure Show, I met up with Ingo from KIHD Products. They make an amazing stick stove that I have heard nothing but good things about. I spent some time talking to Ingo at the show and happily picked up one of their stoves to test out. The stove I got was the KIHD Deluxe. Read More
Kyra On The Go
Field testing my new stick stove, the KIHD Stove Ultimate
I had to wait nearly 3 months to try out my brand new stick stove, the KIHD Stove Ultimate, which I bought at the Outdoor Adventure Show in Toronto in February. I intended to take it to Algonquin in early May, but the weather looked horrible and I figured all the wood would be wet. It was a good decision. It was wet – very wet – along the Western Uplands Trail! Read more
The Happy Camper
New gear I picked up
Late-winter/early-spring offers some of the best times to go sleeping in the woods. Temperatures are usually warmer, snow is less deep and wildlife begins to come out from hiding (including the snow fleas).
I’ve got a few more winter outing in me before it’s all over with. Here are a few pieces of new gear I picked up for my final trips trekking across the frozen landscape—before the blackflies remind us that winter isn’t something we should really complain about Read more
Waboose Adventures
Cookout at the Lookout
One of my favourite things about nature is watching the seasons change. It’s amazing what plants and animals go through when they prepare for winter and how they come alive when spring happens. Read More